Friday, February 23, 2007

Reaching out to my fellow library workers

Being the Access Services Librarian gives me job duties that I have no experience with in the library. They include such things as: ILL, document delivery, copyright & royalty fees [as they pertain to document delivery], circulation, staff management, access services in general.

Does anyone have any suggestions of some good sources for information on any of these topics? I am getting a lot of great information from my co-workers and staff, but I like to see what other people use/know.

We use OCLC for ILL and Docline for document delivery. We run on a Horizon system. We are an academic institution, but we are also a chiropractic college, so our collection is fairly specialized.

I've subscribed to a number of list servs, and I'm looking into journal articles as well. Anyone have something that would help focus my energy?


Anonymous said...

Greetings and welcome to A & D land, where miracles are expected to occur on a daily basis! There really isn't a more challenging unit within today's libraries due to the sheer vastness of responsibilities. I manage the ILL-L list and would be happy to chat with you about issues, priorities, etc.

John Klima said...

Thanks for the point towards the ILL-L list. I've subscribed! (Well I subscribed a few weeks ago, but I'm finally getting around to here....)

I'm going to the First Annual Midwest Interlibrary Loan Conference in Dubuque in about a month. We have one staff member here who handles the bulk of the ILL work, but I need to learn more about it. We're also cross-training the rest of the staff since we are open seven days a week and she only works five.

Andy, I don't even know where to begin. I guess the one hole in my knowledge right now would be copyright issues. If you have anything to direct me towards to learn more please contact me at john [dot] klima [at] palmer [dot] edu.